瑞士求购玻璃试管(glass Test Tube)
详细内容 瑞士求购玻璃试管(glass test tube)
we need a offer for 2000/5000/10000 GLASS TEST TUBES, white transparent, with a Cork Cover, szes
18 cm x 2.3 cm diameter.
no need to be perfect because we will use them as packaging not as chemical use, no need to be printed, but MAKE US A OFFER for the printed too.
Naldi-Italy - Pandora Ltd liab. Co.
Buonaserstrasse 28/a
CH-6343 Rotkreuz-Risch (Zug)
tel.: +41 (41) 790 30 80
fax: +41 (41) 790 30 85
e-mail: carlo@naldi-italy.com
WebPage: www.naldi-italy.com